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[Heyman] Still a $ gap in Bellinger trade talk with Yankees and...
Main Post: [Heyman] Still a $ gap in Bellinger trade talk with Yankees and...
[Heyman] Still a $ gap in Bellinger trade talk with Yankees and Cubs as of this minute. It’s a matter of “who blinks first,” if ever. Still could happen but Yanks also considering Alonso, Walker, C. Santana, J. Naylor, N. Lowe, probably others. : NYYankees
Main Post: [Heyman] Still a $ gap in Bellinger trade talk with Yankees and Cubs as of this minute. It’s a matter of “who blinks first,” if ever. Still could happen but Yanks also considering Alonso, Walker, C. Santana, J. Naylor, N. Lowe, probably others. : NYYankees
Do people really not like clothing from GAP? Why?
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I see this sentiment portrayed a lot in TV shows and wondering why
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Their clothes used to be of pretty good quality. Not anymore
What flavour or overhaul mods can fill the gap, until Vic3 ...
Main Post: What flavour or overhaul mods can fill the gap, until Vic3 ...
no one believed me when i said the skill gap was almost non existent
Main Post: no one believed me when i said the skill gap was almost non existent
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It’s a rigged game where it wants everyone to feel like they have above average skill. The aim assist is a joke of a concept for a shooter in the first place, but the way they implement it really makes it so anybody can pick the game up and be able to look like John wick at times. The skill gap on this game is damn near non existent.
stuck on this mission
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ik this isnt a sub specific to the game but I saw a few posts about it so I thought I would give it a shot. Normally the game would allow me to go through the wall gap, but its not for some reason, and Ginas voicelines just repeat over and over again. Ive tried leaving and going to the Vatican, deleting the game, almost everything. Anyone know a possible fix? thanks 😄
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U haven't gotten there but.. If you use the camera on puzzles it'll give U hints... The more y use the camera on the puzzle the more hints it'll give u
The gap between player mobility and monster mobility seems way too high
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I had this realization when fighting a boss that kept dashing back and forth across the arena. I was like wait a second, why am I playing POE2 but the boss gets to play POE1? The first time I saw a monster leap over my frost wall I nearly lost it. Why are they allowed to do that but I'm not?!
Putting balance aside, it really takes away from the power fantasy of building my character when random white monsters seem to be more powerful than me. We certainly don't need to go back to POE1 player mobility, but I think the gap between player mobility and monster mobility needs to be reduced.
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There are chargers in pretty much every zone. Just stand in front of them and they'll push you far and fast.
Can't change centre gap size for reticle in settings
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So I'm tryna adjust my reticle settings in marvel rivals. However when I try and change the centre gap size, that option is shaded out and you cant physically change it. Does anybody know why?
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I think you have to turn off the reticle animation and it should let you customize everything how you want after you do that.